swap party kolding


Empty Your Wardrobe joined this year greatest celebration of sustainable development: Repair & Remake Festival.

The festival has a focus on repairing, upcycling as well as creating a positive atmosphere and joyful experience for families and their kids.

Less is more. Swap or Repair your clothes! Empty Your Wardrobe welcomed all the locals in Kolding to refresh their wardrobe for free and join its second swapping event at Nicolai Kultur. Here you can read more about the first time hosting the initiative.

It was the perfect time to exchange clothes and accessories and choose among others hang on ropes. May is the best time to “let go” items you will not wear anymore the next winter or to swap those staying for too long without been noticed.

The visitors were able to join a repair workshop facilitated by Kitt Grace Kossmann who is a fixer at Repair Café Kolding. She led a DIY workshop with the theme: “Bring your pair of jeans or a T-shirt you are bored with and give them a new look!”

Joining the event you become a member of a community which inspires sustainable living!

The rules we have set during the exchange

1. The swapping event & the repair workshop starts at 10:00 am
2. Swap worthy items only! Bring high-quality items in good condition and get a corresponding ticket number. Seasonal accessories are welcomed – lightly worn shoes, hats, handbags, scarves, jewellery and unopened beauty cosmetics.
3. Hang your items on the ropes outside at the yard using cloth pegs.
4. You can choose for yourself the maximum number of clothes you have exchanged (written on your ticket).
5. We only accept clothes in good condition, with no stains or holes. We do not accept underwear as well as pyjamas. All clothes that look worn and in poor condition will not be exchanged.
6. Please, be aware of the quality of your items! Our Quality Checker will validate your clothes for the exchange.
7. All the remaining clothes will be reused again for further projects of Empty Your Wardrobe (will go into the loop).


Do you want to learn how to upcycle or repair your clothes? Maybe there are some “favourite before” T-shirts or jeans left forgotten in your closet? Bring them to the DIY workshop and give them a new life.
You don’t need to be an expert in sewing – we will learn together how to use textile paint and apply stamp /stencils on your old jeans & t-shirts. All the materials will be provided at the workshop, but it might be a good idea to bring an apron or an old t-shirt, to protect the cloth you are wearing and of course the t-shirt or the jeans you want to print on.
You don´t have to book time just come over and we will find room for you, if not immediately, then later the same day.

About Empty Your Wardrobe

Empty Your Wardrobe is a project that inspires sustainable living. It explores new ways to extend the life of old fabrics in order to reduce the impact of textile waste on nature. It works following the Circular Economy principles of reuse-reduce-recycle. Three actions are promoting these values, focusing on prolonging the life of the garments:
– clothing swap events, where participants exchange their unneeded garments (reuse);
– workshops for fixing damaged but loved items or recreating new ones (reduce);
– producing a sustainable fashion collection (recycle).

See you again in Autumn!?

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